Disability Service Providers

When to contact the Public Health Unit

Please contact the Public Health Unit if 2 or more residents/participants test positive to COVID-19, Influenza or RSV within 72 hours (as per flow chart below).

Facilities with less than 6 residents may choose to be managed as a household and follow the Testing positive to COVID-19 and managing COVID-19 safely at home and Advice for people exposed to COVID-19 or they may follow the guidance in this document, particularly where residents are at higher risk of severe illness if they develop COVID-19.

Source: Guidance for Disability Care Facilities on the public health management of Acute Respiratory Infections (including COVID-19 and Influenza)


Guidelines and Resources

NSW Health

Disability service providers - COVID-19 (Coronavirus) (nsw.gov.au) Information and resources for Disability service providers.


Australian Government, Department of Health

Support for NDIS Providers

  • National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) providers should direct all COVID-19 outbreak queries and requests (excluding public health guidance) to provider.support@ndis.gov.au

Testing advice

  • RATs should be the first line of testing for newly symptomatic residents or clients, including during a COVID-19 outbreak.
  • People who are a higher risk of severe disease from COVID-19 and have new respiratory symptoms, but who are RAT negative should get a respiratory PCR (COVID-19, influenza & RSV minimum).
  • PCR testing remains available through the usual Medicare referral pathways with a signed form provided by a doctor or nurse practitioner.