Content for school newsletters

Term 3 is here! Below are some images and information to share via your school's social media platforms and newsletters.

To download, right click the image and 'save image' to your desktop. Then add the image and associated text (where possible) to your communication platform.  

Please contact if you have any questions, comments or ideas for future content. 

The Olympics are here! Make movement fun for your family by challenging each other to outdoor and indoor activities.

Check out some ideas here.




A waste-free lunch has no throw-away packaging. Any packaging can be reused, composted or recycled. It’s an easy way to provide a healthy lunch with less processed food.

Find some waste free lunch ideas.

Plastic Free July

Choose water as a drink. Try these tips to help your child to drink more water: 

  • Take a refillable bottle of water when you go out
  • Put a bottle of water in with your child’s lunch
  • Keep cold water in the fridge at home
  • Give your child a water bottle when they play sport
  • Serve water for everyone with the family meal
  • Show your child that you enjoy drinking water.

Find out more.

Drink water

Sleep is essential for growth, immunity, learning and memory and is important for helping a child heal and recover. Healthy sleep means a good quantity and quality of sleep, with regular sleep routines.

Find out more.

Importance of sleep

Kids who spend too much time in front of a screen are more likely to:

  • Have trouble sleeping
  • Gain excess weight
  • Not meet physical activity guidelines
  • Lose focus or have difficulty concentrating
  • Suffer from mental health issues.

Find out more.


Screen time

What better way to celebrate Father's Day than getting active with the family or friends? How about a picnic and play in the park, bike ride, bushwalk or mini-Olympics?

Discover active outdoor ideas.



Father's Day

You may be tempted to find a few foods you or your kids like and focus on eating those. And it can be easy to fall into routines. But the truth is our bodies thrive on variety — a rainbow of nutrients. Eating a diversity of colorful foods can be an easy way to get the complete range of nutrients your body needs to thrive.

Find out more.

Eat the rainbow

Did you know that only 1 in 20 children eat the recommended serves of vegetables daily and only 3 in 5 children eat the recommended serves of fruit daily?

Find out how to add more fruit and veg to your meals.

Meeting Fruit and Veg guidelines

Stuck for ideas to get the kids out and about each weekend? Are you looking for ideas to get your children away from their screens and to eat more veggies? 

Sign up for free text messages for fun weekend adventure ideas and simple health tips for you and your kids. For more information and to register, visit Adventure and Veg

Adventure and Veg

There are so many things to do and amazing places to visit in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven. Staying local during the school holidays? Here's some ideas and inspiration.



School holiday